Aguja Guillaumet - West face
5. Rayo de Luz
400m 6b C1
Michal Pitelka (Czech) and Carsten Von Birckhahn (Germany), early 2009.
Description. Climbs a line on the right side of the face, to the right of Padrijo, on a steep pillar north of the south summit, following a continuous crack system. The rock is solid throughout. Bolted anchors. Eleven pitches total.
Approach. Piedra del Fraile to Piedra Negra, across the second saddle right of the start of the NW buttress, across slabs (2 and 3) to a snowfield that leads to the base of the west face.
Descent. Via the same route. Bolted anchors and rap slings.
Bibliography. AAJ 2009, pages 207 and 208.
Photos (click to enlarge)
 Guillaumet west face  Guillaumet west face
Guillaumet west face
Guillaumet west face |