Aguja Guillaumet - East face
13. Couloir Fowler
13.1 So Long Charlie
250m 80º 5
Charlie Fowler (USA), 2/1/1999.
Description. Climbs a depression to the right of the Pippo Frasson route, following a deep chimney/goullotte, that involves mixed and ice climbing. Charlie self-belayed four of the six mixed pitches. With fat ice conditions t is a direct and interesting route to the summit .
History. Fowler was a well known American climber and alpinist who died while attempting to climb a mountain in southwestern China in 2006. He had climbed very extensively in North America, doing bigwalls, waterfalls, free climbs, crazy solos and all sorts of impressive climbs. Outside of North America he also climbed extensively in Peru, Nepal, Tibet and Buthan as well as in Patagonia where he established a number of new routes and accomplished a number of important solo ascents.
Approach. Piedra Negra to Paso Guillaumet.
Descent. Amy-Vidailhet.
Bibliography. AAJ 1999 p. 74-79, p.338; High 203 p. 85.
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 Guillaumet east face |