18. Las Vent'uras
450m 6c A0
Blake Herrington and Scott Bennett (USA), 02/2011.
Description. Climbs an obvious crack system between Padrijo and Disfrute la Vida. A band of roofs splits the face at mid-height with the route climbing up and over it to reach a 30 meter long camalot #6 off-width crack/chimney. Right below the summit block the first ascentionists found icy cracks that forced them to make a pendulum/rappel to reach a crack further left.
History. Climbed alpine style and free except for a single fall and the short rappel/pendulum.
Approach. Piedra Negra, across the second saddle right of the start of the NW buttress, across slabs (2 and 3) to a snowfield that leads to the base of the west face.
Descent. Via Disfrute la Vida. |