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Update: last updated on 09/11/2011.

18. Las Vent'uras

450m 6c A0

Blake Herrington and Scott Bennett (USA), 02/2011.

Description. Climbs an obvious crack system between Padrijo and Disfrute la Vida. A band of roofs splits the face at mid-height with the route climbing up and over it to reach a 30 meter long camalot #6 off-width crack/chimney. Right below the summit block the first ascentionists found icy cracks that forced them to make a pendulum/rappel to reach a crack further left.

History. Climbed alpine style and free except for a single fall and the short rappel/pendulum.

Approach. Piedra Negra, across the second saddle right of the start of the NW buttress, across slabs (2 and 3) to a snowfield that leads to the base of the west face.

Descent. Via Disfrute la Vida.

Photos (click to enlarge)

Guillaumet west face

Guillaumet west face

Guillaumet west face

Guillaumet west face

Guillaumet west face

Guillaumet west face

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Aguja GuillaumetNorthwest ridge 1. Comesaña-Fonrouge1.1 Rosasco 1.2 Giordani West face2. Polaca20. Anonimo años 8023. Patagonian Werewolfs3. Disfrute la Vida18. Las Vent'uras4. Padrijo21. Tee Pitelka22. Manos al Cielo24. Bossanova5. Rayo de Luz27. Von BürgermeisterSouth ridge6. Travesia Cresta SurCumbre Sur30. Cumbre Sur30.1 Plata o PlomoEast face7. The Gambler19. Let's get Wild8. Beger-Jennings8.1 Courrier du Sud8.2 Terre des Hommes8.3 Klettertren9. Hard Saying not Knowing10. Anker-Piola24. Dirigo11. Eslovena28. ¡Aupa 40!12. Pippo Frasson13. Fowler13.1 So Long Charlie14. Guillot-Conqueugniot14.1 Richard-Simmons29 Pilar del Quinto Sol15. Amy-Vidailhet25. Macleod-MuskettNorth ridge & face16. Brenner-Moschioni16.1 Carlo17. GuillotinaTraverseTravesia Care Bear


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