Aguja Bifida - North summit – East and north face
1. Lüthi-Bresba
700m 6b C1 50º
Horacio Bresba (Argentina) and Pedro Lüthi (Switzerland), 3-4/3/1989.
Description. Climb mixed ground for eight pitches to reach the base of a big dihedral. Cracks on the right face of the dihedral (four pitches) lead to a traverse left, onto the north face (six pitches). Climb the right of two obvious chimneys (three pitches) to the ridge. Two more pitches involving two pendulums get you to the summit. The rock at times is sandy.
History. Bresba and Lüthi’s was the first ascent of the main summit. They made one bivy while descending. Eduardo Brenner and Pedro Friedrich had attempted this line in 1986, getting to a point 100 meters from the summit.
Approach. Niponino.
Descent. Via the same route. The first ascentionists downclimbed the last two pitches then made 18 rappels.
Bibliography. AAJ 1990 p. 206; Annales GHM 1990 p. 53; CAB-Revista1989/21 p. 32-34.
1.1 Gunnison Direct
300m 6c
Adam Ferro and Jonathan Schaffer (US),2/2013.
Description. Climbs a direct start to the Lüthi-Bresba route along which it continues to the summit. The route was climbed all free, with the exception of one pendulum high up on the Lüthi- Bresba.
History. The first ascent was completed in one day.
Photos (click to enlarge) 
Aguja Bifida, Punta Filip, Cuatro
Dedos and CAT - overview 
Aguja Bifida - northeast face

Aguja Bifida - north face

Aguja Bifida - east face |