Aguja Bifida – Punta Filip - West face
13. Shelter from the Cow
400m 6c A0
Pete Fasoldt - Eli Simon, 1/2016, joining Su Patagonia and stopping 150 meters below the summit.
Description. It climbs 9 or 10 new pitches to the right of Su Patagonia, which it joins, continuing along it to a point aroud 150m below the summit. The climbing is a mix of great crack climbing on solid rock and scary wet climbing tip-toeing around large loose blocks.
History. Pete and Eli used no jumars and tried to free as much as possible, aiding a few sections here and there. They climbed to pitch eight, bivied, and then continued the next day. The name of the route refers to the fact that, on the walk out, from Piedral del Fraile, Eli got attacked by a mama cow and had to dive behind a tree to avoid getting crushed…
Approach. The first ascent party approached via Col Standhardt.
Descent. They rappelled initially down Su Patagonia, then south to meet their line at the top of the 2nd pitch.
Photos (click to enlarge) 
Aguja Bifida - west face

Punta Filip - west face |