Aguja Poincenot - Southwest face
14. El Sacrificio del Ratón
600m 6c C1
Dave Sharratt and Freddie Wilkinson (The New Hampshire Swamp Donkeys), 12/2006, with help from Peter Kamitses.
Description. It climbs a crack system to the left of Judgment Day. Unfortunately, the crack system, although alluring from afar is a bit gravelly, with plenty of scrappy climbing and groveling. Joins the Fonrouge-Rosasco and then the Whillans-Cochrane (900m altogether).
History. It was climbed alpine style over two days, summitting at 2PM on day two.
Approach. Polacos.
Descent. The first ascentionists descended via a combination of the Fonrouge-Rosasco and Southern Cross.
Photos (click to enlarge)
Aguja Poincenot southwest face